Sunday, September 17, 2017

Mercury in High Fructose Corn Syrup???

As if adding high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to packaged and processed foods was not bad enough, you can now get a side of mercury to go along with it.

HFCS is a sweetener that is found widely in nutrient-poor processed foods because it is inexpensive, thanks to government subsidies.  Therefore it is packed into junk foods in very high amounts to promote overconsumption because it hits the brain in just the right way so you keep eating.  Consumption of HFCS does not signal the appropriate rise of insulin to lower blood sugar.  HFCS also impairs a rise in leptin which normally tells your body to stop eating.  So the net result is higher blood sugars, overconsumption, and down the line, inflammation and other biochemical derangements.  It is no wonder that we are amidst an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, you name it.

Laboratory testing also reveal contamination of HFCS with mercury, which is due to the industrial process of creating this poison.  Common sources of mercury are usually dental amalgams (silver fillings) and fish, and now you can add HFCS to the list.

This in one more reason to avoid ALL processed foods and drinks, and choose "whole" foods.  More on whole foods later..... (and i'm NOT talking about the grocery store.)

Training the eye to see smaller parts of the whole.  A real life Monet.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Safe Cell Phone and Wifi Use

We spend more time with our electronic devices than we do with our loved ones, so it's important to be mindful of the potential health hazards these devices pose.  Although we don't have clear data to support the health hazards of long term exposure to radiofrequency waves, we also DO NOT have studies to prove that long term exposure to these devices is safe.  Here are a few things you can do to minimize your exposure:

1. Do not carry your phone in your pocket or on your body.  Keep it as far away from you throughout the day.  Distance does matter.
2. Do not use blue tooth or other wireless devices.  Use earphones with a wire and keep the phone away from your body.
3. Use your phone when you have a strong signal (full bars) because a low signal means that your phone has to send out a stronger signal to connect to a cell tower.
4.  Do not sleep next to your phone.  Put in on airplane mode if it must be near you.
5.  If you must give your phone to a child, put it on airplane mode.
6. Plug your router into an outlet timer and program it to turn off during the hours you do not need wifi.  Everyone at home may complain at first, but eventually they will come to accept it.  There's usually no good reason to be online after 10 pm, and exposure to devices before bedtime disrupts sleep.
7. Same goes for your laptop.

Spread the word!  You can print out this flyer from the EWG and share it with friends, family, and coworkers:

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Spring Cleaning for Fall

Four ladies, six hours, and several spray bottles of earth's "cheapest, least toxic, and still effective all-purpose cleaner": vinegar and water,  half and half.

It's unbelievable how much dust accumulates in our home, despite regular cleaning and keeping our windows closed most of the time. Aside from being a major nuisance, house dust is something most of us give very little thought to.  But it is important to recognize that it harbors many toxic chemicals, including phthalates, VOC's, flame retardants, and fluorinated chemicals, among other endocrine disruptors. These are man-made chemicals that get into our bodies through inhalation, touch, and ingestion, and disrupt normal hormone function.  And sadly, babies and pets are at greatest risk of exposure because they crawl on the ground and lick everything in sight.

So use a wet mop when cleaning to minimize spreading the dust around and inhaling it.  Consider getting a HEPA filter to remove particles from the air.  If you can only afford one HEPA filter, place it in your bedroom, which is likely the room you spend the most time in.  Also be sure to regularly clean your house to minimize dust build up.

To learn more about endocrine disruptors, check out

Fill a spray bottle with half vinegar and half water.  If you're feeling fancy (and I usually don't), add a few drops of castile soap or your favorite essential oil (lemon, peppermint, or tea tree oil or whatever you wan to experiment with).  I keep it simple, and this works perfectly for our household with 3 little boys who have yet to learn to aim properly.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What Happens in the Mouth DOESN'T Stay in the Mouth

Who in their right mind drives 2 hours for a dental cleaning?  We do! A healthy mouth is foundational for a healthy body.  Dr. Chalmers practices functional medicine based dentistry, using safer dental products and taking into consideration the systemic effects of what goes on in the mouth. She practices safe protocols for her patients AND her staff because she knows that toxic substances don't have to be present in large amounts to wreak havoc on the body.  "All it takes is a little bit" is her line, and she is right. Daily exposure to the thousands of toxins we come in contact with, even in minuscule amounts, CAN have a synergistic effect and cause malfunction in a susceptible person.  So don't underestimate the power of a dental provider. You can find a biological dentist at

We had the magnificent experience of driving across the Golden Gate today. No matter how many times I cross this bridge, it's still awe-inspiring.  You can't help but feel small as you stare up at the towers and cables, realizing that all your problems are just a transient "situation" in the grand scheme of things.

Sometimes it's about the "small" picture

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

1 Down, 364 to Go

A sudden idea this morning to make PUBLIC my intention to spend the next 365 days meditating twenty minutes a day and to include an inspirational, thought provoking photo of the day.

Today walked to the train station for the first time because driving 2.8 miles in 45 minutes is simply unacceptable.  Gave up the luxury of driving, but look at what i found...

There's a reason why the "Rule of Thirds" is a basic skill in photographic composition.  From top to bottom, you see 1/3 sky, 1/3 water, and 1/3 foreground.  And your eye and brain like that balance.